Hey! I'm Cameron Dahl (he/him/his)

Computer Science Student - University of Minnesota Duluth

Duluth, MN

Error Monitoring App

This project gives developers the ability to track errors in their APIs, and provides insight on the health of thier application. Developers can view the whole trackback with each error, making it easier to get to the root of the issue. In addition, each issue allows you to look at the individual request data.

Demo coming soon.

Desmos Connect

Desmos Connect is an interactive, real-time version of Desmos made for Adobe Connect. It allows collaboration between students and teachers to create a better learning experience. Desmos Connect has received more than 500 downloads, and is being used by the largest education company, Pearson, in their online curriculum.

"I took a look at this application and was extremely impressed. Cameron used the Adobe Spectrum design interface so it feels like a native Adobe Connect pod."Alistair Lee (Senior Product Enablement Manager at Adobe)

Trivia Game

A trivia game made with the Quart web framework and websockets.

Demo coming soon.


A/V Technician

Bethlehem Lutheran Church - Lanesboro, MN

• Work with IP and SDI-based cameras • Monitor audio levels with XLR interface • Use programs such as OBS to switch and preview scenes • Monitor comments via Facebook Live • Troubleshoot issues that may arise with the broadcast (latency, video feed, etc) • Manage camera position during service

Office Administrator


Technology Lead/ Infrastructure Dev

Bulldog Rocketry

• Directed implemention of the new public-facing website • Developed infrastructure for the club, including their new inventory management system.

Want to chat? I'm just an email away.

Email me